The Village Microclinic offers a broad category of HIV/AIDS services that are required to comprehensively and holistically support HIV/AIDS-related needs. Our approach is community-centered and responds to non-clinical needs of persons living with HIV and their families that impact clinical care and retention. We go beyond medical management of HIV (antiretroviral treatment and biomedical follow up) and comprehensively respond to material, cultural, psychological and legal needs of persons living with HIV. Our network of community health workers and our community health nursing program offer home-based treatment and ongoing support on antiretroviral therapy adherence, positive prevention, tuberculosis screening and referral for treatment and other common co-infections.
Non Communicable Diseases Prevention and Management

The Village Microclinic focuses on prevention and management of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, malnutrition and neglected tropical diseases in our polyclinics. Our network of community health workers support their communities through community education on prevention of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, malnutrition and neglected tropical diseases; home visits to support persons living with diabetes, high blood pressure and neglected tropical diseases; provision of basic first aid; community mobilization to reduce stigma and discrimination of persons living with chronic illnesses.
Reproductive health
The Village Microclinic offers education and tools to girls, and women and couples to allow them avoid unwanted pregnancies. Community health workers sensitize and offer counseling services in the community on family planning and link girls and women to health facilities.
Child and maternal health
We make a special effort to eliminate under-five mortality in Burundi which is among the worst in Sub-Saharan Africa. Apart medical services provided at our medical polyclinics, we recruit, train, equip and pay Community Health Workers who are actively involved in: pregnancy tracking and referral for antenatal care and delivery in health facilities, screening of and referral for danger symptoms in pregnancy or in neonates, home visits, counseling communities on the importance of immunization, good nutrition and hygiene. Community Health Workers also diagnose and ensure emergency treatment of acute respiratory infections, diarrhea and malaria.
Clinical care
Our clinical care model is based on treatment at our Rukundo Medical PolyClinics and public outreaches in the communities via our medical hubs and the network of community health workers. The health services delivery is based on 5 pillars: